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The Arabian Travel Market is an annual travel and tourism event held in Dubai during the first week of May. While the majority of attendees come from the Middle East, the event attracts participants from around the world, representing various sectors of the tourism industry. These include travel agents, tour operators, car rental services, hoteliers, and ministries of tourism from different countries. The venue for this significant event is the WORLD TRADE CENTER-UAE.
BARJUL TRAVEL AND TOURS has had the privilege of participating in this event since 2022. Our presence allows us to network, engage in B2B meetings, and provide exceptional service to our clients, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction. The Arabian Travel Market serves as an excellent platform for businesses, allowing us to showcase our hospitality, culture, cuisine, and history to a global audience.
Our next trip will set off this March. Hurry and book your seat now!!!
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History is full of milestones that you weren’t there to see, but now you have the chance to be there and to influence the future
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